Saturday, October 15, 2011

The 15 month itch feels good to scratch

It's 11:15 at night on a Saturday and I am wide awake. I have not blogged in a really long time and something came over me and felt like a whisper in the wind telling me to blog something, and to keep it going this time. I am sitting up in bed made up of my freshly washed 100% cotton sheets and struggling to think of what to write.

Recently at work I spoke to my manager about something that someone had posted about me on Facebook. It was about a question I asked our MD of the company I work for at the recent conference we had. It was clearly directed at me and it was from someone I haven't really had anything to do with, or had even said more than 2 words to. The question I asked was ' Will there be a time in the near future where we will put a gay couple in the brochures ? ' I work for a health insurance company and all the brochures that we have for health products only show happy heterosexual couples.

Anyway, back to what he said about me, on his Facebook status he mentioned about 'the awkward moment that the douchebag behind him asked if there are going to be gay couples in the brochures'. He also made reference to my ginger hair as a negative comment towards me. So I showed it to my team leader and they encouraged me to report it to HR as it was a work related event and he made reference to work in the post. Yeah I shouldn't have done anything. This lead to me having 3 separate meetings and resolved in me actually in the wrong for also mentioning it in my Facebook status too. They said it wasn't as negative as his was, but I still mentioned work on Facebook and I should remove my post.

I shouldn't have said ANYTHING as now it looks as though I am 10 years old and ran to mummy for help cos he was teasing me. I actually took more offense to his last part of the post.. he said 'I am all for equality, but pick your moment better !'

He is not all for equality. He is one of those gay guys who will happily sit back and let others fight for the equal marriage rights and for the freedom to be who we are etc. They are they ones who want the benefits but don't wanna get their hands dirty in the process. It makes me so mad that they do this. They have no idea that the gay bars they go to, and the Grindr app they love so much came from the blood, sweat and tears of others who worked so hard to get us here. Yes, we have come a long way and have a long way still to go. But for someone like that who wants equality, and acts like a child to say that about me, nearly made me explode with rage.

What can you expect from a early 30's twink though.. I think they are called Twunks now anyway.. or is it Twonks ? not sure.. don't care.

I don't know who is worse... Him for calling me a douchebag and a ginger ninja... or me for judging him they way I just did.

I said before I haven't said more than 2 words to him in the time we have worked together.. and right now I can think of two more words I'd like to say to him.

They are as follows, I'm sorry. (for your face) hahahahahahaha



  1. First of all, Ginger Ninja sounds effing awesome, especially when I say it in an Aussie accent... ;o)

    Seriously though, this guy sounds like like a real ass. You're exactly right that a lot of gays have no desire to do more than ride the coattails of those that fought hard for the rights we now enjoy. It's too bad that speaking up turned out the way it did, but it WAS the right thing to do!

  2. Ginger Ninja is kind of awesome though. That should totally be your superhero name.
