Wednesday, December 16, 2009

double double NO NO

well today i got my results from the internal interviews i had...

i didnt get either job :(

i was told that i interviewed great and my resume was fantastic .. but there was someone better... aint that a kick in the pants :(

i guess now i will try next year :)

thats not too far off... i look forward to seeing whats happening actually.. big changes..

I was feeling a bit down earlier but i always bounce back.

sorry for not posting recently.. its been hectic at work

Monday, December 7, 2009

Dear Prudence.... won't you come out to play ?

Well it's that time of year again.... in a few days time it'll be Christmas and all through the house not a creature is stirring not even a mouse..

oh wait that's not a mouse, that's my family screaming at each other about things that are totally pointless.

Anyway this year my sister is coming home from Italy where she has lived for the past year and she is back for about 3 weeks then she goes home.

It will be really good to see her as we are the two oldest and we kinda grew up together.. but I just know that my mother is going to make it all about her.

Roll out the red carpet her she comes !! ... it's miss CO-DEPENDANT !! YAY !!

People say i'm bitter, but I'm really not.

We kinda grew apart a few yrs ago and we don't really have anything in common so I let her do her thing... this of course to her means I'm ignoring her.

Oh what i would give to skip this years xmas at my mother's house.

I'll get through it.. i have my Bundy n coke :)